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Today is January 20, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Jefferson, IL
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Jefferson , IL | (618) 634 7753
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We currently have openings. Do you want to conquer your biggest challenges, achieve your wellness goals, and develop effective strategies to improve the way you manage your emotions and your relationships? Improving your mental health means that you will have a happier and more fulfilling life. It means that you will have better overall health and a more positive outlook on life. Our professional counselors can help you improve your life in a number of ways including developing new skills, processing your emotions in a safe and nonjudgmental setting with a trained professional, as well as setting and achieving your personal goals. Our group of therapists including Amber Phelps Schweda LCPC, Alice Badger LCPC, Veronica Alcerro MS, and Michaela Harrison LCPC offer unique specialties including couples counseling and individual psychotherapy for adults and children. We believe in working collaboratively with our clients in order to help you reach your goals. Therapy is a safe, confidential place, to talk about things that may be difficult to discuss with friends and family. During your first session we will discuss what you would like to accomplish in therapy. We will help you create a plan to achieve these goals according to your own needs and values.
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Have a chat with our friendly chatbot, Bee. Bee gets to know YOU – who you are, what you’re dealing with, and more. Then, we use AI to match you with the therapists you’re most likely to have Therapeutic Alliance with and most likely to have success with.